23.10.2016., 18:00-19:30 Drop-in Class with Joanna Jablonska (Breslau/Wrozlaw). Please note earlier starting time!
on Leading Technique for Women – in English
Since 2008, Joanna has been a teacher in the Wrocław’s Tango community. In her classes she places particular emphasis on technique, aesthetics and musicality. Her methodology is based on an in-depth explanation of the mechanics of movement. She also seizes opportunities offered by working on body awareness, taking advantage of her experience with Contact Improvisation, Body Mind Centering – and Life Art/Process. The main objective of her work as a teacher is to develop the ability to construct the structure of dance, channel its energy and finally to implement an active approach of dialogue between partners. More information can be found on her website http://tangoargentynskie.eu
We are very happy that she will not only DJ for us on 23 October but also teach a leading technique class for women!
Class including milonga: €30
Class only: €22